How to wear daily contact lenses

So, you ordered some Contacts? We hope you love them as much as we do. We know you’ve done this before, but here are some handy tips to read before you apply your Contacts.

How to insert Contacts

Our unique sleeve packaging means your Contacts will always open facing the right way up — no fiddling or flipping needed. That means less steps and more hygiene for starters.
Ready? Here we go:
  • Thoroughly wash your hands, then dry them using a clean towel (or disposable paper towel).
  • Press your index finger lightly against the lens to pick it up. Always start with your right eye so you can get a routine going.
  • Give it a quick once over to check it’s not broken or dirty — if it is, throw it away.
  • Take your other hand and gently lift your eyelid using your middle and ring fingers.
  • Look straight ahead into a mirror, relax.
  • Gently place the Contact onto your eye. It doesn’t always go right the first time — that’s ok, there’s no rush.
  • Once on your eye, wiggle your eyeball around to ensure it's centred (you might feel air leaving the underside of the Contact). Blink. Blink again.
  • Repeat for your other eye. That wasn’t so bad, was it?
Here’s an extra tip — if you wear makeup, put your Contacts in first to avoid mascara smudges.
Now you’re ready hours of wear! Your eyes should stay comfortable during the day but, if you want a moisture top-up, add a drop or two of lens-safe hydrating eye drops every now and again.

How to remove Contacts

Taking the right precautions when removing your Contacts is just as important as when you put them in.
  • Thoroughly wash your hands, then dry them using a clean towel (or disposable paper towel).
  • Look straight ahead into a mirror, breathe.
  • With one hand, gently pull down your bottom eyelid.
  • With your other hand, use the tip of your index finger to move the Contact down to the bottom of your eye — it also helps to look up slightly!
  • With two finger tips, pinch the Contact till it folds and is easy to grab. Mind sharp fingernails!
  • Remove the Contact from your eye and dispose of it in the bin (don’t even think about wearing it again).
  • Repeat for your other eye.

Looking after your Contacts

It’s important to store your Contacts right:
Keep them in a cool, dry place.
Don’t store them next to the toilet or sink (germs!).
Mark your "right eye" and "left eye" packs with your stickers.
Always dispose of them after one wear.
Find out more about how to keep your eyes healthy and Contacts clean here.

When to wear Contacts

There are some times in life when wearing Contacts just makes things better, such as:
  • At the gym — bye sweaty glasses.
  • Cooking — no more foggy lenses.
  • When head-banging at a gig.
  • Whenever you like, really.

When not to wear Contacts

There are a few occasions where, for hygiene reasons, it’s essential you don’t wear Contacts, like:
  • Around water — it’s never safe to wear Contacts when washing your face, in the shower, or in the pool.
  • If you can’t wash and dry your hands properly before inserting/taking Contacts out. Some situations, like campsites, might be a no-no.
  • Any longer than advised by your Optician (between 6-12 hours). The advice is different for everyone, but listen to your Optician!
  • When sleeping. It’s essential you remove your lenses before bed — we can’t stress this enough.

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